SoJu docs is a Toronto based documentary film production studio. SoJu produces original and controversial political documentaries for the global market. Creative director Greg Elmer has screened his films at some of the world’s most prestigious documentary film festivals.

As part of a larger collaboration with CBC news he was awarded best cross platform production at the Canadian screen awards. We have collaborated with Sandbox Productions, Derwatt, Chandra Bulucon, Jason O’Hara, Wes Legge (DP), Andy Opel, and Raelan Dekker (location sound) among others in the film, music and sound industry.

SoJu docs current production The TV Show is in post production.


A contemporary cinematic adaptation of Gabriel Tarde’s science fiction novel Underground Man, published in 1905. Humanity moves its abundant riches underground as the sun’s lifespan ends.

Currently in Production. (Greg Elmer, director)

Mapping the Ticker: Betting Houses in The City & Beyond

This documentary short film maps the locations of London’s Victorian betting houses that struggled to maintain access to the London Stock Exchange tickertape.

Currently in production. This film is funded by the Social Science & Humanities Council of Canada. (Greg Elmer, director)

The TV Show

A MAGA ‘Trans Woman of Colour’ prepares her loyal Youtube audience for the US presidential election.

Currently in post-production. (Greg Elmer director, Wes Legge director of photography, Raelan Dekker, location sound)

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Finding Rachel

A podcast about the making of the documentary film The TV Show.

Greg Elmer discusses the challenges of the production and post production phase of SoJu production’s latest film, The TV Show. So basically this is a podcast about a film about a Youtube channel (“Rachel’s Ghost”).

Check out some of the early (raw) clips from the documentary film!

The Politics of Preemption (2019)

This doc short features a compelling analysis of neoliberal politics, derivatives and other preemptive tools of global finance, and the war on terror from former NYU professor Randy Martin. (Greg Elmer, Director)

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The Canadian Delegation (2018)

The head of Canada’s Young Communist League leads a politically diverse group of students to the 1989 World Festival of Youth & Students in Pyongyang, DPRK (North Korea). This film screened at the DMZ documentary film festival, Encounters (South Africa), The Regina Film Festival, the Antigonish Film Festival, and at universities worldwide. (78 mins. Greg Elmer, Director)

Preempting Dissent (2014)

The creative commons documentary PREEMPTING DISSENT builds upon the book of the same name written by Greg Elmer and Andy Opel. The film is a culmination of a collaborative process of soliciting, collecting and editing video, still images, and creative commons music files from people around the world. Preempting Dissent interrogates the expansion of the so-called “Miami-Model” of protest policing, a set of strategies developed in the wake of 9/11 to preempt forms of mass protest at major events in the US and worldwide. The film tracks the development of the Miami model after the WTO protests in Seattle 1999, through the post-9/11 years, FTAA & G8/20 summits, and most recently the Occupy Wall St movements. The film exposes the political, social, and economic roots of preemptive forms of protest policing and their manifestations in spatial tactics, the deployment of so-called ‘less-lethal’ weapons, and surveillance regimes. The film notes however that new social movements have themselves begun to adopt preemptive tactics so as not to fall into the trap set for them by police agencies worldwide. (50 mins. Greg Elmer & Andy Opel, Directors)